Past Work: Foodie Fit

Foodie Fit offers an all-inclusive fresh meal delivery service for any healthy lifestyle or goal.

I was tasked to add a review section and optimize the content layout with better images and clear CTA Buttons.

Key Improvements

Landing Page

  1. CTA button sat weirdly off the navigation bar. I fixed the positioning of the CTA button and gave it rounded corners to give it a welcoming appearance and make it stand out.
  2. The hero image looked dull and unappetizing. The overlaid text and oddly placed button in front of a busy hero image were hard to read. I picked a new appetizing image and separated the text to make it easy to read.
  3. I took the opportunity to include customer ratings to give a good first impression and gain users’ trust. This gives users the confidence to engage with the company. Improving user engagement leads to increased sales.

Section: Pricing Plans

  1. The deals were all text and did not look attractive. I added relevant food images to whet the customer’s appetite and formatted the text to make the offerings compelling.

Section: Registration

  1. This section was just paragraphs of plain text. I redesigned this section by creating attention-grabbing headings and formatted the text in different layouts to draw and hold the customer’s interest.

Section: Vancouver’s Premium Fresh Meal Delivery Service

  1. The text was presented plainly and was interrupted by large images. I repositioned the images to let the text flow smoothly and give the customer a better reading experience. The text formatting was improved to create visual focal points that lead the customer’s eyes and retain their attention throughout the text.

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